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Urban Urgency
Missionaries follow migration to city centers.
Be Fruitful and Multiply?
Observers weigh in on whether Christians have a special responsibility to have children.
Sheep Stealing Studied
Presbyterians weigh guidelines for reformists.
'Something Better Than Revival'
Buenos Aires pastors believe their city of 13 million should have only one church.
Life in Those Old Bones
If you're interested in doing mission, there could hardly be a better tool than denominations.
Homeward Bound?
Short-term missions may be shifting domestic.
Pastor With No Tongue Still Has a Lot to Say
The Lutheran pastor believes that he's been able to reach more people than if he had not had cancer.
Ardor and Order
The charismatic renewal has disappeared like yeast into bread dough.
Tea Party Insurgence Ripples Through Missouri Synod Election
Confessionalists say the standing president has taken a nondenominational, evangelical megachurch approach.
'It's Not About the Past'
New Anglican and Lutheran groups need to nurture a positive identity.
Fight Between Erskine College and Its Denomination Will Head to Court
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church fired board members, alleging mission drift.
'In Jos We Are Coming Face to Face in Confrontation with Satan'
The Anglican Archbishop of Jos speaks out on last week's deadly attacks and the media coverage that followed.
Land and Building Wars
A handful of parishes win the right to keep their property, but legal experts don't know if their cases are setting a precedent.
Indelible Marker
John Wigger explains how Francis Asbury left his fingerprints all over American Christianity.
Why the Oral Roberts Obituaries Are Wrong
The "faith-healer" (who hated the term) may have done much to mainstream Pentecostalism, but he was no architect of the Prosperity Gospel.
God's Man in Tulsa: The Life and Ministry of the Original Televangelist
Oral Roberts was a larger-than-life figure in American Christianity.
Q+A: Mark Rutland on Oral Roberts's Legacy
The Oral Roberts University president reflects on a man who had a big vision.
Fund Raising: Did Oral Roberts Go Too Far?
The television evangelist links receiving $8 million to the extension of his earthly life.
Germany's Christian Democrats
An administration official discusses evangelicals' political involvement—or lack thereof.
A Lost Generation
Mainline churches in East Germany rediscover a sense of mission.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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